That said, the Wizards could really, really use an NBA superstar. Kevin Durant is pridefully from the DMV area and just thinking about him in ‘new’ Wizards red (or even sporting the uniform of a more properly-named pro basketball team from the nation’s capital) brings a warm and fuzzy feeling. And even though the quarterback usually gets the girl, if done smartly (note: the Redskins under Dan Snyder have generally been very, very stupid), an NFL team can be built to win and compete for the Super Bowl, with a less-than thrilling QB.
But a guy like Durant, the NBA’s youngest-ever scoring champ and quite possibly one of the top three scorers in the game of basketball over the last two decades (or ever), could be even more of a game-changer for a team like the Wizards than RGIII has been for the Redskins.
So, I posed the question to D.C. sports fans on Twitter (last night before the Redskins beat the Giants and again earlier this morning)…
Who would you rather have, RGIII or Kevin Durant (and a healthy John Wall)?
Under the presumption that the District is whole-heartedly a football town, the divide of answers may be more surprising than you think. So check them out, and then weigh-in with your own opinion in the poll below.
@Truth_About_It why must u do this?
— B. Mendoza (@mrbmendoza15) December 3, 2012
@Truth_About_It RGIII
— Ray (@thehyrepower) December 3, 2012
@Truth_About_It we cant have good things at the same time?
— B. Mendoza (@mrbmendoza15) December 3, 2012
@Truth_About_It too hard to look at objectively
— Chris Ford (@DCSportsNexus) December 3, 2012
@Truth_About_It RGIII he is so EXCITING.
— Alex J (@_BigSwaggBearAJ) December 3, 2012
@Truth_About_It damn! Serious choice could me have both lol! Naw. Probably keep w RGIII. Still a football town.
— DC Sports Fan (@All4daFam) December 3, 2012
@Truth_About_It slight edge to KD just based on homegrown factor, also only assuming the team around him is title-contending good…
— Abe Schwadron (@abe_squad) December 3, 2012
@Truth_About_It I'm more a Wizards fan and I'd rather have RG3..
— George Myers (@sirgeorgejr) December 3, 2012
@Truth_About_It Durant…1978 is a LONG time ago.
— Josh (@JoshRock2011) December 3, 2012
@Truth_About_It can't pick both?
— PurpGod (@JordoPurp) December 3, 2012
@Truth_About_It Durant, all the way.
— Andrew Lewis (@anlew82) December 4, 2012
@Truth_About_It KD every day of the week and Sunday.
— Jon Levin (@Jonathan_Levin) December 4, 2012
@Truth_About_It love the Zards but the Redskins are number one for everyone in this town– you're looking for unicorns with that tweet.
— RodStrickland'99 ed. (@hotdogshalftime) December 4, 2012
Dont play with our emotions……lol RT @Truth_About_It 4 those in #DMV who are truly equal fans of #Redskins & …
— skeeta357 (@skeeta357) December 4, 2012
@Truth_About_It Durant/Wall
— wheelpoint (@wheelpoint) December 4, 2012
@Truth_About_It You have to say RG3… Although KD and Wall would be great.
— Alex Flum (@Flumdognosebest) December 4, 2012
@Truth_About_It rg3, he's that good
— Mitch Batchelder (@mBatch94) December 4, 2012
@Truth_About_It Durant easy
— Michael Sykes, II (@Mikey_NBA) December 4, 2012
@Truth_About_It Bullets all day (of course, I'm a Steelers fan…)
— Nathan Lancaster (@imperialme) December 4, 2012
@Truth_About_It I love your site but that question is ridiculous
— JP Finlay (@JPFinlayCSN) December 4, 2012
@jpfinlay That's actually a very valid question. DC is a basketball town and I think the buzz of the Wiz would be huge @Truth_About_It
— Brian Jackson (@MrBjack) December 4, 2012
@Truth_About_It @KDTrey5 and @John_Wall no question about it
— Jay Wadyka (@jamaican_jay) December 4, 2012
@Truth_About_It right now RG3 cuz Skins better supporting cast then wiz. Don't think KD and JW make them a contender like RG3
— Azhar Shamsudeen (@azhartheczar) December 4, 2012
@Truth_About_It That is a tough one, but the choice is made simpler by realizing that the Wizards would mess up having Durant somehow
— Trevor Jackson (@tjackson85) December 4, 2012